Work Fast: Your Life Hack for Unmotivated Days
How to Work Fast
Some days motivation seems to hit an all time low, and yet there is work to be done!
Unmotivated, that was me today- after a couple of days of physically taxing outdoors work my body was done! Anyone else out of shape after the winter?
After that, I had a few days of mentally exhausting schoolwork. Now, I am mentally + physically exhausted. It’s safe to say that I’m unmotivated, low energy, and don’t want to do anything; you get the picture.
What gets you down and unmotivated?
Sometimes stress can be the trigger. Stress is exhausting to our bodies and minds, in times of stress it’s important to focus on positive ways to manage stress and eliminate what stressors we can from our lives.
So how do we manage times when we’re exhausted and unmotivated?
There are two ways to manage times when we’re either too tired, or simply don’t want to do the necessary work at hand.
1. Break it up into bite sized chunks:
Do your work in intervals. Pick an amount of time such as 15 or 25 minutes and do your work in those bite sized increments.
Work for 15 minutes, then rest for 15 minutes.
2. Work Fast for a set amount of time or until the task is finished.
Your emphasis here is on speed! You’re going to power through your exhaustion or “I don’t want to” attitude and get the work done as quickly as possible.
Work Fast is a method we’ve used many times around the house when faced with a big mess, unpleasant task, or when doing an outdoors job right before a weather event.
Using a timer may help motivate you to “beat the clock.” When you’re working outside, the sky might be your timer. I can’t count the times we’ve raced to get a task done while watching dark blue clouds roll in, working faster and harder until big heavy raindrops started falling. (Can any gardeners relate here?)
Sometimes the task doesn’t get done in your set amount of time, but at least you put in a good effort and made progress. Done is better than perfect.
Daily Application
The idea of Work Fast can be applied to your daily life, not just your unmotivated days!
For afternoon chore time or even your cleaning days you can use these same ideas. Race the clock! Set the timer, put your phone or distractions to the side, and work fast for the allotted time.
Whether you give yourself 15 minutes or an hour, the idea of pushing through and giving one task your best effort for a set period of time can help you power through and get those necessary tasks done.
You’ve got this mama!
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