How to Manage Life at Home
In these uncertain times, many of us are stuck at home wondering- “how do I survive this?” You may be baffled at how to manage life at home. Your mind may be swirling with unknowns and fears. You are not alone.
In life we often face difficulties that leave us baffled as to what next steps we should take. I’ve been there, multiple times. Through these life experiences I’ve learned and gained tools to manage.
Manage. That’s what we need to do.
When life throws curve balls we must choose how to react. And in order to manage our stress, our health, our finances, and the wellbeing of our family; we need to choose to manage our days rather than ride them out aimlessly. We have to learn how to manage life at home.
Managing our days at home is a great way to gain peace during times of uncertainty.
Throughout my life I’ve searched for better ways of doing things. I learned by reading, asking questions, and a lot of trial and error. As I gained the knowledge and tools to manage life at home, I wrote it down.
I thought, if my daughters had a manual to turn to- maybe they could have an easier journey.
I published this manual and the most recent edition is Home Management Plain and Simple. Available in print and Kindle.

Lately, I’ve compiled some of my writings into an easily downloadable e-book as a “quick start” guide for you.
Yes you, the mama at home wondering how on earth to survive, and how she’ll manage one more minute in this house with these kids.
And for the mama who has it mostly put together but is still hungry for tips or better ways of doing things, this is for you too.
It’s for all of you. Every mama who is here today looking for help and encouragement, this is for you.
Read it, implement it. Share this link with your friends who also need it, or may be struggling during this time. We’re all just mamas doing our best, let me help you make your best days even better.