Morning Routine with 2 Under 2
Bridgette Guengerich
I’m not a morning person, but babies kind of force the issue- waking you at any hour of the night and then up for the day bright and early!
My daughter has never been a great sleeper, up every 2 hours during the night for most of her 1st year and waking for the day between 5-6am. She does better now, but my hope and prayer when I was pregnant with Jasper was that he would be a good sleeper! Fortunately, he is.
My baby is my alarm clock
Jasper usually wakes up for the day around 7am, with Brynlee wandering into our room shortly after. Her room is across the hall and her bed is low, allowing her to easily get out and come to me in the morning.
We usually spend the first half hour or so of the day snuggling in my bed while Jasper nurses. Then we change diapers and head to the kitchen for breakfast!
Toddlers wake up hungry
When Brynlee wakes up, her first request is usually “beffas?” She wants breakfast! As soon as Jasper is done nursing, we go to the kitchen to rustle up some food.
Cooking is one of my biggest struggles with 2 under 2. Brynlee always wants to be involved; either adamantly telling me what she wants to eat, fussing because it’s not cooking fast enough, or trying to “help” cook it.
Meanwhile, Jasper either sits happily in a bouncer or sit-me-up, or if he’s fussy I wear him in the baby carrier. The rare moments that I get to work in the kitchen without a small child feels like a vacation!
Favorite (EASY) Breakfast for Toddlers?
I’m the kind of person who doesn’t switch things up too much if it works. So ever since Brynlee started solids, we’ve alternated between breakfasts of: Scrambled eggs & toast, Oatmeal w/ fruit, Smoothies & Peanut Butter Toast, Dutch Puff, and Pancakes.
We do switch it up with other breakfast foods, but these are our everyday breakfasts.
If you need some inspiration or are looking for a great breakfast menu plan, check out our free resource library!
Get Ready for the Day
After breakfast, it’s a race to get Brynlee wiped clean before she runs through the house with her sticky fingers! Then, if I’ve finished my food we head to get dressed.
I take both kiddos into the nursery and check diapers and get them both dressed for the day. I like to do both kids diapers at the same time; otherwise, it can be hard to remember which child has a fresh bum and which might need checked!
When does mama get ready?
Getting dressed and ready is important for your mindset and productivity. Not to mention it helps you feel human!
Depending on how the kids are doing after I have them dressed for the day, I either get dressed myself, or wait until Jasper goes down for his morning nap.
Often, the baby’s starting to get fussy and I have to settle him down for his nap before I can get ready.
Getting myself ready while he naps is easier anyway though, because there are less interruptions and I can take the time to do my makeup or try something besides a mom-bun in my hair!
Morning is productive time
Morning tends to be when the kids are the happiest. Once you get through breakfast and have everyone dressed, use this time wisely! As the day goes on, your young children will gradually get more clingy and needy.
I usually take this time to start a load of laundry while Brynlee plays in a safe area of the house. Then I might tidy up in the kitchen a bit, put supper in the crockpot, or work on whatever day-of-the-week tasks I have on my to-do list.
I may not have the most perfect or organized morning routine in the world, but it’s what works for me and my two little ones. Adapt your morning routine based on your personal needs and your unique children!