How to Get out the Door with 2 Under 2
Leaving the house with an infant can be enough of a task, but what about with 2 under 2?
Being at home with 2 under 2 can be exhausting, not just physically but mentally too! Some days I’m desperate for another adult to talk to! With a toddler running around making messes and the demands of taking care of an infant it’s easy to need a break.
Or maybe you need to run an errand. Or you’re going to church.
Either way we all have to leave the house at some point! Here’s how I do it with my 2 under 2.

Prepare ahead of time
Getting 2 under 2 out the door isn’t always simple, there are diapers and outfits to change, diaper bags to pack, and children to wrangle.
Pack the diaper bag the night before. I try to keep the diaper bag always packed and ready, but there are typically last-minute items to add or you need to double check that everything you need is in place.
There have been plenty of times that I thought I’d re-packed a spare outfit for the baby, and then ended up with only a shirt, or pants, but not a whole fresh outfit. It’s made for some hodge-podge outfits, but somehow I haven’t ended up with a totally naked baby yet!
Double checking the diaper bag is usually worth the extra time!
My diaper bag pack-list for 2 under 2 (with breastfed baby- idk how to pack for a formula fed baby!)
- Spare outfits for toddler + baby
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Diaper cream
- Hand sanitizer
- Toy/teether for baby
- Pacifier
- Burp Rag
- Snack for toddler
- Sippy cup
- Nursing cover/extra blanket
- Infant gas drops (I left the house without these once, it was bad)
- Teething gel (always good to have on hand for teething babies/toddlers)
I also like to keep a baby carrier in the car for if/when I need to wear one of the kids.
Steps to getting out the door
I try to plan my days so I can leave the house in the morning after breakfast, this is when my kids are the happiest and it doesn’t interfere with nap times.
Feed the kids breakfast first, then get them dressed in their outfits for the day. Unless you’re okay with your toddler wearing oatmeal pants out of the house. That’s happened to us before.
Double check your diaper bag, make sure you’re dressed too, and then you’re ready to go!
An order to the chaos
When leaving the house, I feel like I always have 500 things to carry! I feel like a pack mule, and it usually takes 2 trips to the car.
There are usually at least 2 bags, the toddler, the baby, my water cup, and whatever snack I decided to grab on my way out the door. (nursing mom = always hungry)
I take all bags etc. to the door, strap baby into his bucket car seat by the door so he’s ready to go, then start hauling everyone to the car.

Toddler first
I used to try to make it out the door in one trip, letting my toddler walk herself to the car. But one time she waltzed right over to a puddle and sat in it. I carry her to the car now, it’s less work.
I carry the toddler out first, with the diaper bag and my water. Strap the toddler in so she’s safe from any rogue puddles, then go back for the baby.
Oh Baby
I grab the baby + any remaining items to bring along (I always forget something, guaranteed). And then we’re on our way!
Jasper is 6mo and having him in his bucket car seat makes loading up easier since it’s winter. I don’t have to worry about bundling him up as much. Once it’s summer though I’ll switch to a convertible car seat, so I won’t have to lug a big baby around in the bucket seat.
Unloading safely with a baby + toddler
I wish I had more arms. Even just one extra arm would be so helpful! As it is, I just have to make do with what I have.
Getting out of the car with a young toddler who just wants to run and explore can be scary. There are two ways I manage this:
Stroller/shopping cart OR baby carrier.
Unload your toddler first and strap them directly into your stroller, a shopping cart (park by the cart corral) or into a baby carrier on your back. You can then safely unload the baby and run your errand.
You can do it mama!
Getting out the door with 2 under 2 can be hard, but it’s doable if you need/want to!