1. Plan for reading time – and protect it. One of the best ways I have found to stir up…
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1. Plan for reading time – and protect it. One of the best ways I have found to stir up…
Bridgette Guengerich My kids had a cold last week Fortunately, my kids have never been terribly sick. The worst of…
Leaving the house with an infant can be enough of a task, but what about with 2 under 2?
Being at home with 2 under 2 can be exhausting, not just physically but mentally too! Some days I’m desperate for another adult to talk to! With a toddler running around making messes and the demands of taking care of an infant it’s easy to need a break.
Or maybe you need to run an errand. Or you’re going to church.
Either way we all have to leave the house at some point! Here’s how I do it with my 2 under 2.
Why on earth would I want to cloth diaper 2 under 2?! Diapering two babies at once it a job…
(that’s right, two babies under the age of two!) 2 babies, under the age of 2! A post by Bridgette…
Don’t Survive, Thrive! The idea of homeschooling may be scary to some, certainly overwhelming to those who are unfamiliar with…