Can I Cloth Diaper 2 Under 2?
Why on earth would I want to cloth diaper 2 under 2?!
Diapering two babies at once it a job all by itself, I feel like I’m nearly constantly changing a diaper.
Buying disposable diapers for two babies can be less than fun too, and I have a bad habit of letting myself get really low on diapers before adding them to the list.
Does anyone else have experience dipping into the diaper bag diapers to get you through the night before a morning grocery run?
No? Just me? That’s embarrassing. Hehe.
Cloth Diapering can be fun!
I started cloth diapering Brynlee when she was around a year old. I was pregnant with Jasper and wanted to give the whole thing a trial run before committing to it.
My primary motivation was to save money on diapers, but it soon became a hobby to me!
Cloth diapering is fun to me because I find it so rewarding. I’m keeping stinky diapers out of the trash so the nursery doesn’t stink, and saving money too!
It’s almost a game sometimes, to buy a box of disposable diapers (I use them overnight and anytime I need a break from cloth for a day) and to see how long I can make that box last!
It’s also fun because cloth diapers come in cute prints and colors.
My goal was to cloth diaper in the most simple way possible.
When researching cloth diapers, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the different types of diapers. On top of that, there are many moms and bloggers out there with rules and opinions on the “right” way to cloth diaper.
If I would have listened to the opinions of others or tried to follow any certain method and “wash routine,” I would have given up within a week because it’s just TOO MUCH.
Pick a cloth diapering method that works for YOU.
First, consider your likes and dislikes. Read about each type of cloth diaper and pick the one that resonates with you.
Don’t pick a type of diaper until you’ve read the care instructions & weighed pro’s and cons. Reach out to experienced mama’s and ask their thoughts!
I wouldn’t have been successful in cloth diapering without talking through ideas with a friend of mine, and reading through questions and comment threads on cloth diapering Facebook groups.
Don’t get caught up in any certain “wash routine” for your cloth diapers.
This is the best piece of advice I received when I started cloth diapering. Don’t overthink it! Do what works for you, and if/when you have issues just reassess and alter your routine.
I don’t use special detergent or 3 different wash cycles. I keep it simple and it works for me.
Is Cloth Diapering 2 Under 2 Overwhelming?
I didn’t use cloth diapers on both of my kids right away. When Jasper was a newborn life was very overwhelming in general. I waited until he was 3-4 months old, we had settled into a routine and I felt ready.
Cloth diapering 2 Under 2 when you’re mentally prepared is no more overwhelming than diapering 2 babies any other way. In fact, it’s helpful to me because it forces me to do laundry!
However, if laundry is an area you struggle with maybe adding diapers to your list isn’t what you need.
Cloth Diapering is Doable
Cloth diapers have become my normal. When you first start, there might be a learning curve getting into a routine. But like anything else, once you’ve done it enough your muscle memory takes over.
I don’t even think about it anymore. I wash diapers every day or every-other day and prepping diapers for the next day has become part of my evening routine.
Don’t do cloth diapers unless you really want to
Life with 2 under 2 can be stressful enough without adding more work. I like cloth diapering because I find it satisfying, it’s a hobby. I enjoy it! If you’re already spread thin and stretched to the max, don’t add another thing to your plate mama.
Do Your Own Research on Cloth Diapers
All it takes is a quick internet search to find cloth diapers and endless information. You can even find cloth diapers on Amazon.
The biggest thing to keep in mind is to take everything you read with a grain of salt. Think for yourself, take little bits of information from here and there and piece together your own routine, tailored to you and your babies!